Yesterday we quickly had school and then drove to Mount Baker for some sledding. We forgot our chains so couldn't go all the way to the top. We pulled into a snow park - it was for cross country skiers. There was some snow pushed up and the kids slid down that for a couple of hours before heading home. We want to...
Even though I knew what I was getting I was still very excited and still am. I was excited for the kids to open their presents, excited for my mom to open her present, excited to open and play with my presents. I have to say that I love my new lens and my ipod. I can store pictures on the ipod which...

We have had a very full weekend. Two Christmas Parties, decorating and taking down for one party, dance class, a chess tournament and a trip downtown Bethlehem. BP's Family Christmas party was held on Friday night. We all showed up and helped to put up decorations and get things ready. Then we showed up around 5:30 for the party. The kids always have...
We have caught 3 rats in our backyard in the last month. Yuck. The kids get up everymorning and check the rat trap. Fortunately John has been home everytime to dispose of the carcass. It just makes me shiver. On another note, we almost have all of our Christmas shopping done. I have some stuff to mail out but that's about it. I...

We have had some incredible climate changes the last few days. The sheriff's office sent out a severe snow storm warning for Saturday and Sunday. And boy did we get dumped on. Saturday, there were cars in the ditch all over the interstate. We almost didn't make it up one of the steep hills in Bellingham. By Sunday morning the roads were slushy...
Today marked the end of our trimester. I will be giving out grades on Monday. I need to grade some tests first. Today we marked some success by reading for an hour this morning because all of our Bible and History work was done for the 1st trimester yesterday. It would have been done a week ago but we added one more event...
Just some more pictures from the weekend. ...
Over Thanksgiving we did a lot. We went to our friend's house for dinner. It was delicious. We painted our three bathrooms, we put up our outside Christmas lights, took down our thanksgiving decorations, made biscuits for breakfast, caught a rat (our 2nd one), played with frozen water (aka ice), fixed a toilet, cleaned the house, went on a bike ride and explored...
On Thursday, the kids and I went to Seattle to meet my Dad, Denis. It was really a good visit. We had crepes at Pike's Place Market. Then on the way to the Seattle Science Center the kids ate pain au chocolate. They loved it. At the science center we tried every contraption. Moved from room to room, watched an optical illusion demonstration...
Ok, so my major excitement is that we are going to... Ok, so my major excitement is that we are going to Paris and Geneva Switzerland in May. I am so excited. We are stepping up our french. Isaac has let me know that he would like to see and possible go up in the eiffle tower. We will see about that. Maybe...