Soccer Day We had an 8 am game. Isaac's team lost 4 to 2. Unfortunate. When his team passed the ball and stopped playing each other along with the other team, they did great. But they just couldn't keep it together. Next weekend. Isaac had an awesome assist. He was in the right position, was passed the ball, dribbled it up the field,...
I was so not motivated to run tonight. It rained almost all day. We completed school by 2:30 pm: penmenship, Awana, Math (3 grades), phonics, history, bible, latin, french, literature, lunch. Then came the afternoon: cleaned my bathroom, brought Alice inside to run around, fed the neighbor dog, a doctor's appointment, scrapbook store, DQ for after the doctor appointment, dinner, soccer practice, order...
We finally set the date for Job's birthday party. This weekend at 2pm. Here it is Wednesday already and I have yet to contact parents and invite kids. luckily we ask people to not bring presents. It just makes too many toys and a give me attitude. We really want our kids to look forward to spending time with friends. This year we...
September 24 After a year of thinking of blogging I have decided to give it a try. Hopefully I'll be able to record some of the things that humor me, teach me and humble me. I find that my memory is too full for new information. Something humorous one of the other soccer moms told me. Apparently last Friday after soccer practice this...