The end of October. November is fast approaching. Christmas is 57 days away. I am starting to shop a little bit. It seemed like October just started and we have already celebrated my birthday and John's birthday. Isaac thought John's birthday was still coming up. I guess he missed the present opening and the apple crisp we had for his birthday. On Sunday...
9:35pm. Is my day over yet? We quickly had our lessons this morning, Job rushed off to PE. Yes, he understands what physical education is all about. Then a 1/2 hour later we jumped into the van and drove off to the ceramic art studio. We learned about glass fusion. We took little colored glass pieces and arranged them on clear glass squares...
Activity day: We picked up the kids from our neighbors house this morning at 8 am. We went out to dinner last night and so they just stayed over. Lona had dance class at 9:15 (I went running - 4 1/2 miles in 40 minutes). Then Isaac had a double header at 11:45 and Job had a game at 1:00. Lona fell asleep...
Job today was pretty tired. He almost fell asleep reading his book. We went upstairs and laid down. He cuddled into me and said, "This is my favorite part of the day, the cuddle part." That made me feel so good. I love being a mom. ...
Another beautifull fall day. Job and Lona still had fevers. Lona was fine in the morning so I took her to the grocery store, after we got home she slept until 3pm. Job alternately played legos, and laid on the couch. He slept for most of the after noon. John and Isaac played some soccer in the backyard and then Isaac headed off...
Evening, Saturday I have scrapbooked nearly all day. It seems like it has been a long time since I did anything creative. I am in no mood to run, Job and Lona both have 102 degree fevers and have basically slept all day. It was a beautiful fall day, warm and smelling of leaves, but still I stayed inside. I took a class...
I am sad today. My camera broke yesterday and I sent it off to be repaired. Hopefully, there won't be a long turn around time. Job asked me to rake a big leaf pile so they could play in the leaves. I took one picture and then it quit. I didn't let them play in the leaves then because John's camera battery was...
Well, I did it!!! I ran my marathon. 4:34 clock time, I don’t know chip time yet. My left knee hurts. It has never done this, usually it’s the right. That one is fine. It started out great. Overcast and a little breezy. I felt fine until mile 20 – 22. I think I started to go down hill from there. A couple...
Saturday night, the night before the marathon. I am a little nervous. I took this week as a rest week, and now I don't quite feel prepared. I only ran 20 to 30 minutes twice. I have ran 5 miles twice a week and then a long run and then this week pretty much nothing. The twenty-two mile run was hard, mentally and...
Well, I am finally putting pictures up of Job's birthday party. We did not get to have a whip cream fight. Maybe another time with just our kids. John and I just returned from Harrison Hot Springs. We spent less than 24 hours there, but had almost two days away from the kids. It was very relaxing. At Harrison we swam, sat in...
Mondays This was a Monday, no doubt. School as usual, phone calls that were long, 1st day of PE, doctor's appointments for infected oil gland behind the ear, pink eye, and sinus infection (that was just one kid!), laundry, dinner, diarhea (four times - another kid), feed the bunny and the dog, soccer practice and finally time to scrapbook. I'm glad its over!!!!...