Jumping Hay bales.This picture has to do with emphasis. The emphasis is on the size of bales compared to the little girl.Remember these pull tabs on pop cans.Look close, here is a successful morning hunt. Common site.If you want a turkey for Thanksgiving, shoot it in your front yard the day before.What happens here in Montana on Thanksgiving? First everyone gets up super...
Job's BB gun looks like a toy in Uncle Kevin's hand. We left Monday right after my exercise class and drove to the junction of Highway 18 and I90 where we picked up John's Dad. We stopped for gas twice, lunch once and once to shoot BB Guns. John's Dad bought Job a BB gun and he had it out of the box...
We are going to Montana for Thanksgiving. I really do miss Montana. I miss the cowboys and pickup trucks. The kind of guys who don't worry about what store they shop at because what they wear to work are the same clothes they wear to church. The clothes that actually fit and don't ride around their knees. No fancy names written across their...
Saturday was a big day for both Isaac and Job. John took them to their first tournament of the year. This tournament was a state qualifying tournament. That means the kids who won 3 games qualify to go to the state chess tournament. They play five games - no elimination and after each round their scores are adjusted. The tournament check in was...
These two girls had so much fun today. Their parting words were can we have a sleep over. Yes! Definitely before they move. Lona is going to be sad. Always will be friends though. It is fun to watch and listen to them play. Tea party: "So how are your kids doing. Oh they are sick. I'm sorry to hear that." Love that...
I think we all have our favorite times of the day. For some it may be afternoons when our work is done, for others it may be early morning before anyone else is awake, and still others it may be late night. My boy has three favorite times of the day and he programs those times on his watch. 12:30 p.m. for lunchtime,...
"Mamma, Mamma, What about horse riding lessons?" Lona asks.
"No, Lona it's a dangerous sport."
"What if you ride frontwards?"
Oh boy. I would have loved to see inside her imagination at that moment.
Check out Gracie Allen on Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NW6GWEi3g3U&feature=related
Like father, Like son. I think that this is a little scary, seeing my six year old hold and shoot a gun. Daddy taking time to teach Lona how to site. Loading the gun - fascinating. Looking at Grandpa with Admiration This weekend we went to John's Dad's house in Sumner. I don't remember how it came to be but a Bee-Bee gun...
October 31,The last day of our quarter. We successfully worked very hard for 2 months. I needed a celebration. So, we headed to Green's Corner for cookies, hot cocoa, tea and a Latte. The kids brought books to read and we hung out. Job told me that he is beginning to like to read like Isaac. I think that he didn't have anything...