
Changing interests

By Leslie Parks - Monday, February 23, 2009
I love this man. This man who throws himself into a wide variety of interests and encourages and teaches the kids about these interests. (Notice the difference in color between this picture and the one below it. I changed the white balance to a custome white balance and that got rid of the gray. I love this little feature.) Listening to beginning chess...

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By Leslie Parks - Friday, February 20, 2009
I wish I would have stepped back and included the whole tractor. That would have been a better composition instead there is a merger like it is missing something. It is so beautiful - a great red. Today I had the unexpected opportunity to hang out with friends for a good portion of the day. My friends Judy and Shawn Marie try to...

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Camera practice

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I have very few pictures of myself and even fewer with my kids. Something I need to rectify, if I could overcome the critical aspect of myself. Aah the joys of being a woman.I had a photo assignment looming over my head and today was the perfect day to take care of it. I am learning so much. I almost need to take...

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Reading and motivation

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, February 12, 2009
My son Job is generally not a big reader. Oh, he'll read things like Calvin and Hobbes, Popular Science and National Geographic for Kids, but generally fiction books are not his forte. Isaac on the other hand loves to read. He picked up the book The Westing Game yesterday morning and finished it in the afternoon. That book was too easy. Lona is...

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Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Watercolor

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, February 11, 2009
MP3 sends out these nice little emails that revolve around a theme. I take a look and think of how I can implement this with what I am currently doing. I try not to do something extra because I believe that they already do quite a bit. If I can't fit it into what we are doing, I send in some of their...

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Fragrance Lake Hike

By Leslie Parks - Monday, February 09, 2009
A mud slide along the trail. See how high up the mud is on these trees. It must have been moving fast. I can't even begin to imagine it.Saturday was a beautiful and we really had nothing pressing. So we called Job's friend and invited him on a hike with us. We left our house at 1 and returned around 5. We headed...

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