Warning: Graphic imagesThere are things that I did as a kid and I really don't remember how I thought of them. One of these things was fishing and cleaning the fish. My kids love to go fishing. In fact they love to go fishing. My Mom takes them fishing when they visit her and they generally like to eat fish. But this is...

My first born is eleven! It seems like he was a baby just yesterday. I didn't have a digital camera when Isaac was born. In fact it wasn't until he was 3 that I had a digital camera. So I'm only going back a few years. 2001 at 3 years old. I had these taken at Sears. I always wanted professional family portraits....
Last night we had our awards for Awana. I am so proud of my kids. Lona earned her 2nd book award for Sparks. She learned 30 verses this year and all of the books of the Bible plus she had activities to do. She also reviewed over 10 verses from last year. Job earned his 1st book award for TnT. He learned 62...
The group of pianists - great group.Tonight we went to our first piano recital. I talked to the kids about doing their best. We talked about that there will be people that they don't know and if they mess up only their piano teacher and they will know. They have only played on our piano at home and now they were able to...
We have been noticing Lona squinting when she looks at certain things, like the clock in the other room or at signs by the road. Yet we waited until April when our insurance spending plan would kick in. I made the appointment with the eye doctor (found one in Ferndale) and in we went. Let me tell you, I really like this doctor....
Photos have nothing to do with the post. This is not a please perk me up post. It's just about how things go sometimes. There are definitely times that I get discouraged with everyday life. I want a consistent devotional time. I want to not gain weight just by walking into McDonald's, I would like to not have a pimple on face once...
These tulips were huge! I really like trees with pretty pink flowers and this picture has the tree in the background.These yellow tulips make me feel sunny and warm.Some things I love to have as a tradition; such as the picture log at Birch Bay and ice cream afterwards, kids spending two weeks at Grandma's house during the summer, sledding at Mount Baker,...