
Father's Day - Part 2

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, June 30, 2009
On they way home from our aborted bike ride, we passed Lake Sammish and decided to check out the boat launch. The lake is lovely but the take out is brutal. We don't have a 4x4 so it makes pulling our boat out a major operation with as many adult in the back of the truck as possible. We are a little short...

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A question by Job and a challenge for Summer

By Leslie Parks - Friday, June 26, 2009
The other day Job asked me a question that I can't answer. How come you can see the shadow of heat but you can't see heat. I've noticed Post a comment please with this answer. Pass it on if you know someone that can answer this 8 year old. Another question that he has asked that I could answer was "As someone in...

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Father's Day - Part 1

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, June 23, 2009
On Sunday, we drove to Woodinville to go on a bike ride. The trail is Lake Sammamish Trail. We started at Wilmot Gateway Park in Woodinville. We often stop at this park when Isaac sees his doctor. I've always wanted to bike the trail that runs through it. As we started there came a large group of bikers with numbers on their shirts....

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A moment with Isaac

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, June 18, 2009
I just want to share a little about Isaac. Je voudrais partager un peu d'Isaac. He is witty and can push my buttons easily yet do it in such a way that it is hilarious. Il pense tous les temps et fait des blag a moi, mais quand je vois son visages je juste peut rire. Il est un coquin. We went to...

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Tenant Lake Young Naturalist Class

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, June 17, 2009
This year with MP3 the kids took a class at Tenant Lake. They learned (and I as well) about rodents, slugs and snails, volcanoes, the moon, and a few other things. It was on Thursday from 3 to 4 for 6 weeks. The kids loved it and so did I. Their teacher, Miss Rachel is pregnant and oh so cute. She had lots...

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Sights of Summer

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I am loving the summer. We work so hard all year long so we can enjoy a longer summer. If it is nice then we are outside. J'adore l'ete. On travaille pour tout l'annee donk on peut prendre un vacances d'ete plus long. S'il fait beau, on est dehors. The googles kill me. I look at this photo and I think of little...

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