
Reformation preparations

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Seems as though everything is coming to a close this Saturday. Out door soccer will finish up. Our Church is having their first Reformation Festival. If you are coming, please bring a dessert to share and may be some candy for the kids. Our family was asked to make a 10 minute presentation on a Reformer figure. We choose John Calvin. Our kids...


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End of Outdoor Soccer

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Every year I take my camera out and take photos of the kids on the teams. Then I go through all the photos and pick out about 5 - 6 photos of each kid, and a few team photos and some funny photos and I set it to music, publish it and burn it to CDs. I scour the Internet for "soccer" songs...


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Who Knew?

By Leslie Parks - Friday, October 23, 2009
A visit to the locks in Ballard. In September we studied the Erie Canal in History. Not realizing that it had such a monumental impact in our country's history, I merely dismissed it in school. Come to find out it helped our nation with trade and expansion tremendously. Sometime growing up, we stopped at some locks. I thought it was on the Columbia...

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1st paycheck

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, October 15, 2009
Excited boy. First paycheck. Grade 9 referee. I love you Isaac. ...

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New family members

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, October 06, 2009
As Job says, "They like to stack each other." Remember last year when Isaac got a hamster? Then it died. Then he bought another hamster and that one died? Well he's been planning on another hamster and he's saved his money. He even went to the pet store a couple of weeks ago but couldn't afford a hamster and a new cage. He's...

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By Leslie Parks - Monday, October 05, 2009
Eight years ago John and I moved to Bellingham with two small children and no other family around. Our Pastor in Montana called around and recommended Silver Beach Community Church to us. We attended and soon became friends with a family from that church. This wonderful woman would have me and my toddler and baby into her house twice a month. As soon...

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Mosaic Field Trip

By Leslie Parks - Friday, October 02, 2009
This year I want to do so more field trips. We have talked about secret codes and secret signs. We've also looked at mosaics so we headed to Creativitea for a little art project/field trip.This place is great. It may seem like a pricey tag for the project but they have everything you need. There are ceramics to paint/stamp and glass squares to...

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