Sometimes he seems older than he actually is. Isaac driving. Good thing that he doesn't have his licence yet.Job's turn to drive. That looks a little painful.Today we had another round of hay bale jumping. This time the daughter of one of John's friend joined us. We also rode and drove 4 wheelers. So very fun. But the coolest thing that happened had...
(This is the car John had when we met. It was so old that you had to pull out the choke to start it. I had never driven a car with a choke, a motorcycle yes, but car!?)(Something about Montanans is that if you are on a farm or ranch - which are very different- you keep everything forever. You never know when...
John didn't find it too hard to get into the relaxation mode upon arriving. I on the other hand didn't want to waste a single minute of vacation and thought that if I wasn't doing something all the time I wasn't fully using our vacation. Patiently John reminded me that relaxing on the beach was using our vacation to the max. The dock...
When we wander around here in the Northwest some of the animals we tend to see are possums, raccoons, moles, skunks, herons, deer, and the occasional salamander. We don't think of these things as being anything spectacular. In fact some of these we consider pests and try not to have them around.There are some animals we tend to think of as exotic animals...