
No. 1 reason for a dog

By Leslie Parks - Monday, April 26, 2010
Enough said. Une raison pour avoir un chien - les enfants. ...

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Wheelie Dealie Night

By Leslie Parks - Friday, April 23, 2010
Our kids have been attending Awana since Isaac was 6 1/2.  We just love this program.  The kids learn Bible verses and rules at home are reinforced with Bible verses and stories.  Awana starts in the fall around the same time as school starts and it goes until May.  Every Wednesday I load up the van with kids, ours and friends and drive...

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By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, April 20, 2010
After two years you'd think that the kids would be tired of the trampoline but they are not.  They continue to love it.  They are doing more and more flips and jumps and tricks.  It is a great energy user. Apres deux annee, vous pensez que les enfant sont fatigue de sauter sur le trempoline, mais non.  Ils ont continuer d'aimer le trempoline. ...

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By Leslie Parks - Monday, April 19, 2010
While living here in B'ham we have met some wonderful people.  One of them happens to be Coach and his family.  We met Coach about 4 or 5 years ago during soccer season.  Slowly our families became friends.  Lona and his daughter have hit it off.  Lona just adores her even though she's 4 or 5 years older.  She is patient, kind and...

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the tree

By Leslie Parks - Friday, April 16, 2010
When we first moved out here this tree was little but eight years have gone by and the tree is much bigger.  Isaac has always been one to climb trees.  He desperately wanted a tree big enough to climb and build a tree house in.  Unfortunately we don't have a tree big enough for a house but our tree in the front has...

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By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Isaac came up with the idea of writing a newspaper and selling it to people for 10 cents, namely Job, Lona and myself.  He had Job do the comics and Lona wrote something too but contributers don't get free papers they do however get 50 percent off.  Lona thought that stunk so she came up with writing her own paper.  So far she's...

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Tenant Lake

By Leslie Parks - Monday, April 12, 2010
We went to Tenant Lake and then spent 15 minutes over at Hovander.  I made the kids get dressed into some nice clothes so that I could work on some photography issues.  This week I'm working on framing my subjects.  Posing people is so hard for me.  I can't get the catchlights in their eyes, or they are in full sun or backlit. ...

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Recap from the week

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, April 11, 2010
Mom do you recognize the Barbie house?  Just brought it down from the attic for Lona.  This week was spring break for the public school kids.  So we had a house full of kids this week.  I took 5 kids to play racquetball.  Then the next day everyone of the kids had a friend over.  I had 7 kids in my house.  The...

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