
5K and Duck Poop Lake

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, July 25, 2010
I love watching him.  J'aime lui voir. Yesterday John spur of the moment registered and ran a 5K.  He didn't do too bad for really not running for a while.  He plays soccer once a week with a mens over 30 team and has a loosely organized kids soccer scrimmage once a week.  This is the way he stays in shape.  His time...

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Sauk Mountain

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, July 17, 2010
Today, we summitted Sauk Mountain.  We had planned on a hike in Canada but when reconsidering we decided to turn our eyes to something within the USA.  We've hiked pretty much everything along the coast in Whatcom County.  The hikes towards Mount Baker would still be snow bound, they open late July to August so they were out.  We turned to our trusty...

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Chilliwack Provincial Park

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The kids are getting into hiking.  We loaded up the dog and kids in the van and headed to Canada.  Passports: check. Dog papers: check. Hiking book: check. Water: check. Snacks: check. Fun:  hope so. Once we arrived at Ross Lake we decided to change our hike from hiking back into the US to hiking Post Creek to Greendrop Lake.  I was amazed...

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