
We Dance Our Best for Him

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Waiting their turn to rehearse. Lining up to practice the grande finale. Attendre de practice le fin. Inside Mount Baker Theatre Dedans le Theatre de Mount Baker Holding the hoopla, Mary played by Miss Taylor Mary, la mere de Jesus, Mademoiselle Taylor This year Lona is part of a ballet company that produces a Nativity Ballet Recital.  It follows the story of Christ's birth. ...

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Advent event - sing with candles

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I think my Mom wants to wack him.  Je pense que Job a besoin un frappe a la tete Our advent activity was to sing Christmas carols by the fireplace with candles.  Lona was so excited.  She found all the candles in the house and had it set up.  The boys had soccer practice and were wound up when they got home.  She...

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Walk through Bethlehem

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, December 16, 2010
You don't need a time machine or a passport.  You only need to know the nights this is available.  Take a trip back to the night Mary and Joseph were looking for a place in Bethlehem to stay.  Mary was with child, they had traveled for days,the inns were full, Romans were everywhere and the only place they found was with the cattle. ...

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Advent says "Go to Greens"

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, December 09, 2010
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O Christmas tree

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Christmas Tree Lot, un place pour acheter des sapins de noel James Street Estates Bedtime, Temps de coucher A different perspective of my house.  Bedtime for the boys, Temps de coucher pour les garcons One of my favorite things about Christmas is the lights.  Walks around the neighborhood, looking out the window to see the lights dangling from the roof, having to drive the...

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