One of the things we have to do four times a year is go to Woodinville for Isaac's doctor appointment. Why? Well his peditatric endocrinologist is in Woodinville. It is a bit of a drive (1hour 45 minutes) but really not bad. Since we are down in that area I always try to plan something to do and spend the day. I try...

I am so ready for spring. I am looking forward to sunny days during soccer practices and games, to longer hours of daylight, to flowers and green things growing, to school finishing. I am looking forward to spring. Je suis pret pour le printemps. J'aime les jours avec le soliel pendent nous jouons le football, plus heures de lumiere, des fleurs et des...

Every once in a while John's Dad and Pat come for a visit. We try to schedule those visits around soccer games. The schedule is typically arrive sometime Friday afternoon, go to a game, spend the night, have breakfast, and around noon drive back home. The last few times, Jim brought his computer with him and John has worked on it, formating, trying...
Yes, in the last two weeks we have had sun. Here is proof. Oui, c'est vrai nous avons vu le soliel. ...
Apparently the thing in middle school is to drown your BO with cologne. I guess that when Isaac has been getting ready, he goes in and uses John's cologne. Thankfully he doesn't drown himself in it. I have noticed just a hint of it when he leaves for school in the morning, but it doesn't linger in the air. John has let me know...

So I have finally wrapped my little brain around a metering technique with my camera - the elusive grey card. I don't know how many times I've read this same thing but really didn't understand it. I would read the article and then try it out but things would go wrong and I would do something else. I didn't ever get the concept. ...