Eli Reinholdtsen is a photographer and author of a book called Chasing Reflections. I bought the ebook from CraftandVision.com where there are many ebooks. This particular one is about reflections and taking photos that make the viewer look deeper into the photo. This site has been a source of inspiration and learning for me. So thank you Eli for helping me see more than I...
The title of the post was taken from David DuChemin's blog. Maybe it should be titled, boys and wagons do not mix. However I thought the first was appropriate to this situation. What possesses a younger brother to listen to an older brother? Why does it sound like a good idea for a younger brother to get into a wagon to "surf" when it doesn't sound like...
He's hilarious. We just crack up laughing at our own little papa smurf. He's hilarious. We just crack up laughing at our own little papa smurf. ...
Yes, it's true, we have snow the other day. It rained hard all night and around 6 in the morning it started snowing. We had large beautiful fluffy white flakes. Some were larger than a half dollar. Within twenty minutes the ground was snowing by 7:00 it had stopped snowing but rained a little. Last weekend they cancelled soccer games because the pitches were so covered...


One of the greatest joys our kids have is jumping on the trampoline with their dad. "Jump with us" they plead when it is not raining. Somehow their dad can do things that I as a mother wouldn't even think of or feel in control when doing it. I didn't grow up with a trampoline so I still feel like I have a...

It's not often that I can use the labels memories in the making and Leslie without adding any of the kids or soccer or or or .... This was a memory with me and my friends. It was Starbucks, Train, Soul Sister, wine glasses, dancing with Ipods, tears and laughter, listening and talking, photos and well more photos. It was us being us, not...

Somehow March has slipped away from me. I don't quite know how it happened but it did. It's soccer season again and I might blink and have April and May slip past too. Who am I kidding? It's always soccer season and we are always busy. There was this one afternoon that I had totally free. It was just Job and I so...

So MP3 decided to start a Friday Club to use the Lego Mindstorm NXT brick. It's free and anyone can come. There is a group of 10 year old boys that attend. We've only really had two meetings. One informational meeting and one actual build a robot meeting. I decided only to take Job because it is up his alley. He loves Legos,...