
Awana Awards

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Last week we had awards night.  The kids have worked really hard all year long memorizing verses, doing projects, reading their Bibles.  Last night they were rewarded in front of their peers, leaders, parents and siblings for their work through out the year.  Job received his 3rd book Award also known as the Challenge Award.  Lona received her book award also known as...

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The Sounders

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, May 26, 2011
Thank you Chris for the scarves Merci a Chris pour les echarpes. Love the enthusiasm of the fans. Les spectateurs the Band la troupe Our neighbors - how crazy Notre voisins sont la aussi. view of Seattle from the stadium la vue de Seattle throwing popcorn talking to Dad il parle avec son pere Late Tuesday night I received an email from the...

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2011 Kids photo shoot

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Click here to view this photo book larger Click here to view this photo book larger ...

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Custom background light shapes: bokeh

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Bokeh is the little out of focus shapes in the background.  It can be made to look like different shapes just by a tiny modification to your camera.  All it takes is scissors, cardstock and tape.  Within five minutes you can change the shapes.  The first photo has heart shaped bokeh.  The last two have stars for the background bokeh. Bokeh est le mot...

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Studio Fun

By Leslie Parks - Monday, May 23, 2011
Set up some lights and a backdrop to have a little fun with the camera.  Plus Lona had dance pictures and we had to do her hair and make-up for that.  Unfortunately I couldn't just purchase a class photo.  They wanted me to buy the whole package.  I figure that I can do my own individuals I just couln't do a class photo. ...

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By Leslie Parks - Saturday, May 21, 2011
Celebrating Isaac's birthday this year has been challenging with soccer ending, John's work schedule, and school.  Last year we kind of celebrated Isaac's birthday at the same party that Job had for end of soccer.  This year, well, we went to church and then quietly had lunch while John slept.  When John woke up we opened presents.  Then Lona's team had a soccer...

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Pretty in Pink

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Job says it looks like there was a wedding in our front yard. Job a dit qu'il semble que nous avons un cerominie de marriage dans notre jardin. ...

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We have entered a new era

By Leslie Parks - Monday, May 16, 2011
It's been 13 years.  Where has the time gone?  How did I become a mother of a teenager?  Is he ready?  Maybe the more important question is am I ready?  Actually I think that we have reached this place about a year ago.  He's becoming more opinionated, responsible, self-aware, independent, taller, grateful.  He's witty yet knows where the line is.  He constantly is walking...

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