

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, January 28, 2012
Up until this year I tried really hard to have family dinners.  It was important to me that we all sit down together for dinner.  This year it pretty much has been non existent since someone has an activity at least 6 nights of the week.  The times we do sit down either someone is missing or we've added someone or two.  Sometimes...

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Girls weekend: Anacortes

By Leslie Parks - Friday, January 27, 2012
Well the planets aligned for three of us.  It started at a lunch when the three of us just felt like we were overwhelmed with life and spontaneously planned a weekend to Anacortes.  My friends are knitters so we had to stop at three yarn shops for projects.  It was laid back with very little planned.  Dinner at the Brown Lantern Ale house,...

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By Leslie Parks - Friday, January 27, 2012
Project 52 : Tired  Mon chien qui pense il est toujours fatigue.  Nous pouvons jetter son balle por 20 minutes avent il est finir.   Alway thinking he's tired.  We usually get 20 minutes of ball throughing before he's done. Linked Andrea Jenn Michelle Tracey Stacey Lesli Kristin Amanda Jessica Heather Sara Janet Rhonda ...

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By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, January 24, 2012
My ideal breakfast is to sit down in a clean quiet house at either the counter or the dining table with a cup of coffee, a croissant and yogurt and a good book for 45 minutes and enjoy the quietness while the rest of the house sleeps.  In order for any of that to happen I would have to be the last in bed...

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By Leslie Parks - Thursday, January 19, 2012
We had three days of snow.  It usually happens once a year.  Last year it happened 5 days earlier.  The schools have been closed for two days now.  Since Isaac is in school this year for the snow days our home school has taken a break too.  We've shoveled snow, thrown snow, built a fort, and went sledding.  I figure if the kids are...

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Time spent in the car each week

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, January 18, 2012
I spend 360+ minutes a week in the car running kids around.  That is 6 hours driving.  I don't have a job.  That doesn't include time at each event that I'm waiting for the child.  That also doesn't include any errands such as grocery shopping.  It is only driving my children to their activities.  The cold, dark, rainy days are the worst.  I...

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52 Project

By Leslie Parks - Friday, January 13, 2012
Cold, Week 2 I am making a commitment to do a 52 week photo project with another group of photographers.  Hmm.  It's only one photo a week.  How hard can that be.  Job has made a commitment of doing a Lego project every week but the thing that is holding him back is the photographer is having a hard time photographing and processing...

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Sleep over

By Leslie Parks - Friday, January 13, 2012
Job had a friend over to spend the night.  They hang out great together.  They love dart guns and legos.  They play on the same soccer team in the spring.  They both have Christian families.  This time it was just Job and his friend so they had the house to themselves.  The others were at their friends' houses. Job et son ami restent...

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It's a Dawn, A New Day, A New Life...

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, January 11, 2012
And I'm feeling good.  (Michael Buble) I have always loved that song.  It has kind of a James Bond feel to it and the video kind of goes along with it.  Well over Christmas I just kind of lost it.  My schedule has been, get one kid off to school with lunch made by 7:15, two others up with home school starting by...

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Ringing in the New Year

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, January 05, 2012
 What better way to bring in the new year than with a new coat of paint.  John decided that the bathroom ceilings needed a new coat of paint and there was paint to be touched up so we repainted the bathroom.  I also purchased new light fixtures, ordered new handles for the faucets, and replaced the towel bar with hooks.  I love the...

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By Leslie Parks - Thursday, January 05, 2012
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