So after a couple of hours helping the boys clean their room. I found this posted on our white board written by little mr. anonymous. There is only one little mr. anonymous that can spell anonymous so he really isn't unknown in our house. Apres quelques heures que j'aide les garcons nettoyer leur chambre, je vois ce messages enbas. "Merde est la dunette,...
Happy Valentine's Day. All decorated and no party in sight. Joyeux jour de le saint valentin. Nous n'avons pas un fete mais peut-etre jeudi. ...

At some point we've decided to make it a priority to make Sundays a friend day. The kids get to invite other kids home after church. We pile the kids into the van and have some fun. It gets a little crazy when the boys invite boys and Lona invites three girls all at the same time! We had to have another parent drive...

John is an engineer. It is part of him just like his brown eyes and hair. He can't help being analytical. It's not a bad trait but it is a trait. It's not that he doesn't just color inside the lines but that he makes the lines other people color. He has a work flow that he usually follows when making decisions. This...

Still soccer season. In fact soccer season is year round really. Both Job and Lona have added a new position to their repitoire: Goalie. Their coaches have asked them to step up and play this position. Lona has been reluctant but with such an insistent coach she could hardly refuse. Actually Job's coach was absent and the substitute coach was just as insistent...