This is Dimitri Snuggles. He is only about 8 weeks old. He is also getting to know me better. I bought him 2 Fridays ago . He is such a bundle of joy. He is a very stubborn and lazy hamster.He is a Teddy Bear hamster.So far he loves his ball.He is very sensitive about loud noises. Although he is a lazy hamster...

Over the course of a month my Mom and I spent a lot of time on the phone and Internet researching where we wanted to go and what we wanted to do on our cruise. At first we didn't think we wanted to go on a cruise and then we decided that it would be fun to go to different ports so that...

Recently my mother and I went on vacation together. We really haven't spent this much time together since we took too many high schoolers to Europe. That was nothing like this trip. We met up in Houston and flew into Miami together. We had decided to arrive a day early for our cruise. That gave us some leeway to make sure we had...

This year we had the opportunity to stay at the Firs Chalet at Mount Baker. We arrived Monday afternoon and settled in. This was interesting for us in that we had to bring sleeping bags, pillows, blankets, and towels. Essentially it was like camping without cooking. The food was good and I loved not having to cook or think about cooking. Most of...