
Brace Face

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, August 30, 2012
Job has been asking and asking and waiting and waiting for braces.  He smiles and laughs but I know that he doesn't feel all that comfortable with how his teeth look.  Unfortunately he looks like me with the spaces.  Finally the day has come and we took him to get his braces on today.  It was a long appointment.  We arrived at 9:30...

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By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, August 29, 2012
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Northwest Washington Fair

By Leslie Parks - Monday, August 27, 2012
I wasn't planning on going to the fair this year.  I felt that after running around the western hemisphere like crazy we just didn't need to do this activity, but when a friend called and wanted one of my children to go with her child I decided that we could all go.  Well John did have to work but the rest of us went. ...

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Hively Honey

By Leslie Parks - Friday, August 24, 2012
We met this great family through soccer.  It turns out that they have beehives and we were invited to see them pull some of their boxes.  I was in heaven.  This was so exciting.  They put on their bee keeping clothes which totally encases them so they don't get stung and gathered their gear.  Their gear includes a smoker, some special tools to...

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Camp Grandma's

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, August 23, 2012
While John and I were in Chicago the kids were visiting my mother in Montana.  It was the perfect situation.   Their saying is "What happens at Grandma's stays at Grandma's"   I have pieced together some of what they did.  They played at the city pool which has a water slide and a high dive.  They fished and I think that Job and Isaac...

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Take 10 continued...

By Leslie Parks - Monday, August 13, 2012
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