My favorite camera bag. It was so agreeable to pose for me. Self portrait (Marie do you see the hat?) Just for the record, Fort Langley and Langley are not the same place. If you type in an address for Fort Langley double check mapquest because it may take you to Langley and not to the right address. I left home about 2...

He's really not in pain, just scared. The saw was "freaky". It had been four weeks since the broken arm incident at school. Four weeks of carrying his whole arm cast around. Four weeks of staying inside for recess. Four weeks of playing soccer with his cast and landing on it. Wednesday was our day to see doctors. In the morning Job went in to see...
So for Awana, it was dress as a bible character. Job helped her decide on Balaam's donkey. Everyone else was going as Mary or an angel. She was going to win this theme night and needed to be different. There was one other donkey and he was a Sparky leader. Alas she didn't win, Moses her friend won instead. Moses had a beard....

doesn't fall far from the tree. John brought home his computer to learn a chemical engineering simulation process software. Yawn. He started working on it and pretty soon Job was over there asking him sorts of questions. Then they worked through some modeling together. Job loves this kind of stuff, he's meant to be an engineer. He loves minecraft and experimenting with how...

Chess is starting up and so we have dusted off the chess set and games have commenced. Isaac is rusty. It's going to take some practice to beat Ben this year. ...

I love fall. I love the colors, the temperature, the fog, the smells, the leaves on the ground. I even like the rain. I associate so much with fall: homemade soups, grill cheese sandwhiches, hot cocoa, apple cider, pumpkins, birthdays, pies, quiet houses. crusty warm bread and this year kids at school. We've had this little activity in the past and we are...

Every year we get my mother in law a gift certificate to her favorite quilt shop. It's easy and we know that she's going to love it. This year we'll do the same but we are getting her a notebook as well. I rounded up her quilts and took them out for a photo shoot. These are the photos that I'm trying to...

Yes, we are still in the throws of soccer. All three again are in soccer and both Isaac and Job are refferees. For 10 weeks we have soccer four out of 5 nights and then spend Saturday on the soccer fields. John is coaching Job's team and is assistant coach on Lona's team. It makes for a busy 10 weeks. I feel much...

Job is intense. I'm actually surprised that it took until he was twelve before he broke his arm. His ideas are not like ours. The other day he had a friend over and they decided to make an obstacle course and attack each other with Nerf swords. Some of the obstacles aren't exactly stable. There is a board resting on a rope and...
The big 4-0-. Yes I turned 40. I decided that I was going to love turning 40. I knew I would need a little adventure. My Mom and I went to the Bahamas in March to celebrate me turning 40. I absolutely loved traveling with my Mom. Six months later I actually turned 40. My birthday fell on a Wednesday which meant that...