
Year in Review

By Leslie Parks - Monday, December 30, 2013
Christmas is past and its time to look back on the year.  It's time to take stock on those resolutions that were made or not.  It's time to reevaluate the important things in my life.  It's time to see both the successes and the failures.  It is really time for me to be thankful for the blessings in my life.  I am blessed...

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Bathroom Remodel

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, December 29, 2013
I have this idea in my head of how I want to my house to look.  I've said before that I like the layout of the house, I like the bones of the house.  I just want to change the feel of the house.  I love the Potterybarn look.  I like traditional/classic styles.  But my house was built by men and because of...

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By Leslie Parks - Saturday, December 28, 2013
This was the first time in many years that we have attended Christmas Eve Service at our church.  We started off the evening with a very French dinner of cold cuts, bread, cheese, salad and fruit. I have been pining for a french meal ever since I returned from my grandparents' house.  I just love the meals there because of the time it...

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By Leslie Parks - Thursday, December 26, 2013
This summer while at Cannon Beach, I scooped up some sand into a container with the sole intention of using it to make ornaments.  I have been saving it for about six months wanting to use it just for this activity.  Finally there was enough time to make ornaments with the kids.  So I placed the ornaments out, the hot glue, the sand,...

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Gingerbread houses

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, December 26, 2013
We again made gingerbread houses this year.  The only difference was that it was only Job and Lona making the houses. One year we tried to make our own gingerbread houses from scratch.  Fail.  We've used kits that we had to put the houses together.  Again those fail because they were too young.  We finally settled on preassembled kits.  Loved those from Costco...

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Let it snow

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Friday we woke to our world blanketed in white and still it was coming down in big heavy wet white flakes.  It's unusual here and doesn't hang around for long.  John came downstairs to hear the school district leave a message on our answering machine saying school would be delayed for two hours.  If they were going to go to school, the time...

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Grandpa Parks and Karaoke

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, December 22, 2013
It's not often that John's Dad calls us asking if he can come up.  So when he does we clear our schedule as much as we can.  He arrived Saturday while Lona and I were at her dance rehearsal.  We walked in the house to hear him on his new toy: a karaoke machine.  Isaac about died.  He is not into singing, especially...

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