Our trial year of ice skating is done. I think that in order for Job to get good we would have to devote our life to being at the rink. We would need to join the figure skating club, take extra lessons and live at the rink. It was a great experiment though. He got some things out of it. He moved up...

On our way home after church one day, Lona said that she wanted to have a recital for some of her friends. It turned out that they were taking music lesson for both the piano and the violin but didn't have recitals so there wasn't as much motivation for practicing. Heck, if I don't have to perform or have a dead line I...
Job just cracks us up sometimes. ...

This year Job needed a science project for 6th grade. His question was does weight affect the speed of a boat? His hypothesis was the more weight the boat has the faster it will travel down stream because there would be more water pushing on more of the boat. This was our family's first science fair project. We had a lot to learn. ...

On a Monday, Job, Lona and I headed up the mountain for some skiing/snowboarding. It was such a beautiful day and possibly the last time we could go that we had Job skip school. We weren't disappointed either. It was a beautiful sunny warm day. Job and I ski about at the same level and Lona pushes herself. She loved the black...

The other day Lona just breezed through her school work or so it seemed to me but she started an hour earlier than normal. So by 11 am she was mostly done and we packed up the little bit of math, her knitting, my camera, and my knitting and hurried out the door to our local coffee shop. She ordered a Sobe and...

Lona gets so into the theme nights at Awana. It's her thing. The best nights though are crazy hair night which means that I need to come up with something crazy. Enter pinterest. A while back Lona was looking through the pinterest board (I can see a future addiction for her) and came across a site about crazy hair. She pinned it. Hmmm....