I was a little leery of Isaac making it on the High School soccer team. There were so many kids trying out and he isn't the fastest, but he's smart on the field. I think he will make a great coach someday. The coaches told the kids that there would be cuts after the second week. He ran 3 miles every night for two weeks...

This is a much look forward to event at our Awana. It is a huge deal. For me, it's all about logistics and getting bikes or whatever to the church for a 1/2 hour event. One year Isaac brought a Pogo stick. Last year Job brought a chair that he jerry-rigged roller blades to it, and this year Lona brought Job's unicycle. I think that the leaders...

There are these two boys that come over sometimes. They absolutely love to tease Isaac. They say all kinds of things to him. They try to tease him about their oldest sister but he doesn't bite. However they really like to hang out with Job. They Rollerblade with him and ride bikes with him, they like to throw the football or play baseball and can kind of be...

With all I said about spring break, I tried to do something with just the kids to make break fun. The original plan was to ski. I picked Lona up early from a sleep over on the way to the ski hill. It wasn't looking good as we driving up. I thought that if it was icy in the morning it would be...

Spring Break is a little bit hard for me. I get to this point in the school year and I am so looking forward to the end of school that I don't want to take a break, not with the end in site. I want to push through and then enjoy the summer starting in May. I get burnt out, the kids get...

I participated in a photography class for the last couple of months and through the class, I met a gal who lives in Vancouver. We decided to meet for the day and wander around Grainville Island and Gastown. It was so much fun. Her photos are amazing. Mine, well, they were good but not extraordinary. I think for me it was about connecting...

Job is our first child that is involved with band. He has decided to play the trombone. He's our smallest child and he just couldn't choose anything smaller. At least he didn't choose the tuba. What would we have done. I wouldn't have been able to carry and neither would he have been able to. So the trombone it is. His first band...