
Worlds Collide

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, June 26, 2013
The dance recital came and went.  It was a weekend of sparkles and makeup, hair dos and ballet shoes, family and friends.  Lona is in a ballet III/IV class so she was in all three shows.  She had so much fun that  she's asked to take another class.  We'll see what next year brings.  We arrived at the theater by 8 am for...

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Done with Grade School

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, June 25, 2013
We are officially done with grade school at the Parks Academe.  I suppose I should change the blog name.  Academe is French for grammar school.  Since all my kids are technically done with grammar school we should change the name but I won't.  June 18 was Job's last day at school and the end of his math at home.  School had a graduation...

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Hannegan Pass Hike

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, June 25, 2013
For Father's Day we went for a hike.  Originally we planned on Gold Run Pass but the ranger said we wouldn't be able to make it to the trail head due to snow.  That was scrapped and upon recommendation from said ranger we headed out for Hannegan Pass.  We hit snow right at the trail head but it was pockets of  it along...

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Crazy Saturday

By Leslie Parks - Friday, June 21, 2013
We do it to ourselves.  We just can't say no sometimes and sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't.  John and I went running in the morning.  I really want to run a 5k and work up to an 8K or 10K.  Mabe a 1/2 marathon sometime, maybe.  Then we gathered kids from all directions and went over to our friends house...

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