Oh it is so hard to wait for something. We are such an instantaneous society; we have instant downloads, instant oatmeal, instant potatoes. We want things now. So waiting of course is hard in our society. Even at 15 years old, waiting is hard. If it wasn't we wouldn't have to hide Christmas presents and people wouldn't peak. The other day we gave...

I have been wanting and wanting to organize the recipes that I've collected. The ones that we use over and over and over again but I always need my card or the book or the sheet of paper. There are foods that we only eat in the fall and winter because they warm you up from the inside. The foods we eat seasonally because...

In September I participated in Shimelle's Learning Something New Everyday. I've done this for the last four years. You sign up once and are automatically enrolled each year. The cool thing is that you only pay once. You don't have to pay for it every year and it's not that expensive. In years past I've done all sorts of things. This year was...

The latest craze in our house is Futsal. Actually Isaac, Job and John are all playing indoor soccer. Lona's RDL team decided to play futsal instead of indoor soccer. Her coach felt like it develops the foot skills of the players better. They play it at the YMCA. Lona has been going to the family drop in nights and then playing on other...

I was asked to take photos of a friend's family at Hovander the other day. To be truly honest with myself, I get so nervous about this. I know that there is a lot of directing and there are just something intuitive about how to pose people so that they look natural. I feel like I haven't learned that art yet. Sometimes I...

In September I wrote down something that I learned or reflected upon each day and made a scrapbook from it. I signed up for this little class about 4 years ago and have participated to some degree every year but this year was my favorite. I decided that I wanted to do something like it for November. Since September's theme was Learning, I...

Job is my thinker. I swear he has Auto Cad in his head. He's constantly designing things and thinking of how to build them. I think he might be the 21st century stereotypical engineer. This last summer while we hiked he spent the entire hike mulling over one project and it carried over to other hikes. In fact on our back packing trip...

Over the years we've gone back and forth with Halloween. For the last 3 or 4 years, we've decided to go a head and celebrate Halloween American style. When I mean American style, I mean costumes, trick or treating, candy, food, and friends. Parenting is so hard. We had convictions about Halloween that at this point in life we no longer have. We've...