
Breakfast at Old Town

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Strangely over spring break all of our kids were somewhere else for the night.  It doesn’t happen often.  More so as they are getting older but we are still able to count the times on one hand.  That evening was eventful with a DUI accident in front of our house. The next morning though was special.  Special because we were able to have...

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By Leslie Parks - Monday, April 14, 2014
Lately it seems as though I've been taking a lot of photos of Lona and I have. She's around and most of the time willing to help me out. She's the only one still at home and I have decided to make this end of the year of homeschooling completely opposite from the beginning of the year. Right now she loves converse, will...

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Tulip Fields

By Leslie Parks - Friday, April 11, 2014
In the past I've taken all kids to the Tulip Fields.  Then I took only two and now I'm down to just 1.  In the future, I think I may borrow kids for this.  It was a day just for Lona and I to bond; to go on a road trip, to not have any plans except to stop where ever the road...

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Port Townsend Girls' Day

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, April 06, 2014
Oh my goodness. In the 13 years that I have lived here, I have never been to Port Townsend. Now I wonder why? It is such a cute quaint little town that was built in the 1800s and the buildings have great character. It reminds me a little of Red Lodge Montana. Although Red Lodge has more of a cowboy feel compared to...

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