
A Pacific Northwest Day

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, February 28, 2015
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First Meet

By Leslie Parks - Friday, February 27, 2015
This skinny little boy walks out of the house with a backpack weighted down with books and a computer and he's carrying a duffle bag full of sports stuff.  I can't even imagine carrying that load day after day and then working out for two hours after school but he does.  Yes, he has a locker at school but he doesn't use it....

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A Cozy Home

By Leslie Parks - Friday, February 20, 2015
I slowly mozey over to the couch with a cup of coffee in hand and plop down.  Plop is definitely the correct word, meaning to sit, fall or drop heavily and then there is the word mozey' meaning to move slowly or in a leisurely manner.  Both of these words to me have the connotation of being cozy and wrapped with warmth and...

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A tournament or two

By Leslie Parks - Monday, February 16, 2015
Last month, I was in bed when Isaac walked through the front door.  It was late and I was tired.  He climbed the stairs and knocked on the door.  He walked in with some hardware.  He placed 7th in Division 2 for state individual.  He was excited.  Then he launched into an explanation of some of his games and the conversation between John...

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An Observation: Vanderyatch Park

By Leslie Parks - Monday, February 02, 2015
The light shining through the bare stick trees which cast long thin shadows on the ground; the pale pink flowers blooming out of season on the entry way bushes and the silver frosted grass all greet me as I turn my van into the parking area of the dog-friendly park.  I look in the rear-view mirror and see the dog on high vibrate...

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