Another soccer season has come to an end. It seems like I say that all year long but our family is involved in various seasons of soccer or tennis or chess or wrestling but mostly soccer. We decided to have Lona involved in middle school soccer. This way she would get to know some girls from the school before she attend there next...

He's a tinkerer. He keeps a junk box or two or three in the closet of his bedroom. Recently he pulled out his dad's small screw driver set and his own screw driver set and tore apart this broken digital camera. He looked, analyzed and mentally cataloged each piece trying to determine what it's function was. In order to truly have the knack...

When I grew up we played board games or card games. I came to hate Monopoly. Something about that game is so darn frustrating. We occasionally play board games such as Sequence or Settlers of Catan. We play Rummy, Golf or Cribbage. We are trying to teach them to play Pinochle but lately the game of choice isn't around a table. It centers...

A fleeting moment, passing swifter each day. The bridge between girlhood and womanhood quickly drawing smaller. The time of innocence and naivety that is reflected in her face will suddenly one day begone. I will only have the photos to remind me that they even existed. In this moment I see confidence, assurance, and comfortableness in herself. I see a young girl learning...

About two years ago I didn't even know this park existed. I would drive past it on my way through town but really never had the occasion to go. Then Lona started piano lessons in town. At first I used the time to run errands such as going to the grocery store. Then I realized the gift I was given with her taking...

“Lona time to get up!” my mom shouted from downstairs “Were leaving for the tulip fields in an hour!” “Okay!” I shouted back but really I just sat up in my bed for about 15-20 more minutes. After a couple more times of my mom telling me to get up I tried to quickly pack my camera, gloves, and warm clothes completely forgetting...