
A Run: Muds to Suds

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, August 29, 2015
From a run with color to one with none and yet just as messy.  Job ran with his buddy, Henry. These two have done so much together, ever since they met at after school chess club at North Bell School. They've been in chess and wrestling together.  They have a fantasy football team that they manage together.  They ran in the Muds to...

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An Outing: NWWA Fair

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, August 18, 2015
 I like the fair due to the photos I can take. I don't like the fair because it seems too expensive for what I get out of it - a tummy ache from crap food and 10 pounds of weight gain.  I like the feeling of summer, the teens that can wander the fair without me, the displays. I don't like that it...

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A Run: with Color

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, August 16, 2015
I'm not sure when I first heard about the Color Run.  Whenever that was I had decided that I really wanted to participate in one.  I missed the one in Seattle and then somehow Bellingham was having one.  I had seen photos and it looked like a party.  So I mentioned it to Lona's soccer team, some gals at church and placed it...

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