He eagerly reached for the car keys and my mind raced through all the years that flew by in an instant. I watched as he climbed into the driver's seat and started to adjust the seat, the steering wheel, the mirror and the visor. Mentally I needed to brace myself. I wasn't ready to relinquish control of my vehicle to an 80 pound...

I awake and focus on the wood plank ceiling, remembering that I am not at home. My gaze goes to the window and the light that is filtering into the room. I haven't closed the shutters preferring the light rather than the darkness that shutters bring. The shutters, well if I close them, the light won't come in and neither will the words...

When I was little and we lived in France, the border was open yet we had to stop at the "frontiere" and pass through much like we do between the USA and Canada. When visiting later as a kid, it was the same way. Stop at the border and show my passport when asked for. Nothing to declare then go on through. As...