It wasn't until tonight that I realized how important John as a Dad is to our kids, especially Lona. It's amazing how much she needs and wants his approval. After soccer practice, she came inside the house dripping wet and cold. She dropped her backpack on the floor and went to seek him out. "Dad, are you proud of me?" That statement hit...

The cooing of doves Fluttering wings of finches Hum of cars Chirps of the birds fighting at the bird feeders Buzzing fly wings The cry of a toddler playing outside The crunch of gravel from a person walking along a dirt path The light splatter of rain against the window Murmuring voices of people on a walk Whispering branches from the warm breeze...

So many spring evenings in the Pacific Northwest are gray drizzly affairs and then we get these spring nights that pop like a firecracker with color and promises of summer evenings. We like many others gather at Boulevard Park to stroll unhurried along the waterfront looking out at the beauty this place has to offer. I marvel at the gulls gliding over...

It used to be my hometown but when going back, just me not my family I realized that it is not my hometown any more. I've planted roots in a different spot much like a plant that a gardener has chosen to be in one spot of the garden but has migrated to another unlikely spot and thrived. This new location draws me...