

By Leslie Parks - Friday, June 24, 2016
They stand tall against the wooden back fence, branches bending down with their heavy load of bright red juicy fruit.  I wander to the back, reach my hand up and select one of these lovelies. Placing it my mouth, I bite down and immediately flavor explodes.  I nibble around the pit and spit it out, reaching up once more for another bite.  Cherries...

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A Realization: Different than I Thought

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, June 23, 2016
The title of the book drew me in and made promises to me, touched me and quite literally forced the purchase of it without looking at a single page. The cover connected to me with the graphics. I needed it.  I hadn't even touched it, just seen it.  One click and it was purchased. While waiting I dreamed of the small adventures I...

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Summer Night Lights

By Leslie Parks - Monday, June 20, 2016
When I was little there was a house across the road from ours.  I remember one night there was a party. I must have been three or four at the time. Large paper lanterns were suspended from the large deciduous tree next to the patio. The shutters of the house were open and music came from inside.  Outside, people were wandering, talking, laughing,...

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A Hike: Samish Overlook to Oyster Dome

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, June 18, 2016
How is it that we've been here for 15 years and have never done this hike? Oh, we've hiked to Oyster Dome just from Chuckanut Drive and not from Samish Overlook.  Job and I had driven to Samish Overlook about a month back to check it out for the first time ever. So when our friends came to town, it made sense to...

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Game Night with Friends

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, June 18, 2016
 There is something about sitting around the table, laughing and competing and teasing that bonds people together. Some of our favorite games are sequence and Settlers of Catan. These two games are hilarious when played with a large group. Sometime, I laugh so hard that I start crying. I can't tell you what we laughed about but I just remember how much fun...

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An Outing: Seattle with the McKKs.

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, June 16, 2016
    John has a friend from college with whom he has kept in touch. I've gotten to know his wife and now our kids are getting to know each other. We all hung out a few years ago while in Montana and ever since then, the kids have kept in touch. Lucas and Sydney are twins and they get along with Job and...

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