She's been playing soccer since she was 5. One year she was encouraged by a couple of older gals to try out for a developmental league. She did and she made it. Then she tried out for a select soccer league and she made it. For the last three years she was on a C team for that soccer league. She's had friends...

How many times have I walked into this building? How many games have I watched to see the outcome be the same? How many photos have I taken of my kids, of my husband coaching? Too many times of each thing. Yet I keep going. I keep watching, keep taking photos, keep cheering. The kids have fun, the coach does too. The outcome...

I arrived at the bridge and the valley hadn't yet woken up. The sun was still just a hint of brightness behind the hill. The fog clung to the river as I walked out onto the gravel bar. I heard them, the eagles as they called to each other. There were one or two in the trees the rest hiding. I wandered along...

He's always liked the color green but his school colors are maroon and grey. Its cold at his school, eastern Washington cold with highs in the 30s, sometimes in the single digits. He took nothing winterish with him to school. Why would he when it was in the 90s as a low? But winter came, and I knew he would need something so...

For the last three or four years our youth group has had a Mount Baker Day. We all meet at the church, load up vans, small buses, cars, and trucks and carpool up to the Mount Baker Ski area. Some years I go and some I've stayed home. This was a go year. The day was beautiful and it couldn't have been more...

Winter had come to the PNW if only for a few weeks. It was here. The air in the morning was crisp and cold, the wind tearing through the valley with force. The nights clear with specks of light in the sky. One of the last days with the oldest of his Winter vacation and we planned on a hike to Artist Point....