
An Outing: Lake Terrell

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, April 25, 2017
There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. - Kenneth Grahame  The sun shining, the water calling and a boat was the perfect recipe for us to just get away.  We weren't gone long just long enough to simply enjoy a quick paddle. We were greeted by a family of geese. The lake...

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An Introduction: Easter Eggs

By Leslie Parks - Friday, April 14, 2017
 I've done Easter eggs so many ways over the years; plastic eggs with candy, naturally dyed eggs, blown out eggs filled with bird seed.  I think the kids' favorite is candy filled plastic eggs.  However, this was Robin's first time celebrating Easter. So of course we needed to do the whole dye the egg bit. I bought a couple of kits and found...

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An Outing: Tulip Fields

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, April 11, 2017
I made this year's trip to the tulip fields with a very dear friend. She has been meeting with me two Tuesdays a month and working on photography. We went even with the threat of rain. The clouds hung low in the sky covering the fields with a blanket of grey and purple. With two of us with cameras, it was fun to...

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An Adventure: Port Townsend

By Leslie Parks - Monday, April 10, 2017
Looking for a little adventure over spring break, we (being me as the enabler and her with her friends) took a day trip to Port Townsend, which is a little port town on the coast of Washington.  Forgotten by all except for tourists and residents and has become a destination in itself.  It has maintained it's charm and character from the 1800s and...

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An Outing: Walnut Grove Aquatic Centre

By Leslie Parks - Friday, April 07, 2017
Walnut Grove Aquatic Centre.  We have been visiting this place for years! We were introduced to Canadian indoor pools and tried a couple different ones.  Some were very crowded, in fact Isaac chipped one of his front teeth when a kid sat on him in the shallow end and he hit his tooth on the bottom of the pool. We had towels stolen...

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