
A Skill: Eskimo Rolls

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Job has decided that he wants to kayak down a river.  However, there are a couple of things that need to happen before he does that.  First he needs to be comfortable in the kayak. Second, he needs to be comfortable upside down in the kayak.  Third, he needs to be able to take pull his skirt and do a wet exit in...

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A Season: Tournaments

By Leslie Parks - Monday, June 26, 2017
Second tournament of the season and more to come. Her fourth year in the Ranger program and for this tournament she was asked to play for the Gold team which is the top team in her age division for this program.  I think she was honored to be asked but when the tournament was done, she realized the work involved to get on...

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An Accident

By Leslie Parks - Monday, June 26, 2017
I've driving this van for 4 years now and a small scratch on the back bumper and broken taillight.  Then I let Job drive it to the movie one night and he comes home like this.  He came out of the theater and someone had backed into it and driven away.  I had just talked to someone the day before whose husband never...

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A Visit

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, June 24, 2017
I think John and Isaac are looking a lot a like these days and it makes me smile.  It is good to have Isaac home. We've missed his laughter.  I love to see both Isaac and John laugh.  Usually its when Isaac is explaining something that happened to him and he tells it so well that we can imagine it happening. He's always...

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A Hike: Raptor Ridge

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, June 03, 2017
I love hiking.  There is so much to see and notice. Sometimes I can get lost in just noticing big stuff that needs to be done. Then I go hiking, bringing my macro lens with me and start to notice small things such as a mushroom colony on a log, a snail moving across the trail, a beautiful blue fly on a white...

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