
A Cannon Beach Morning

By Leslie Parks - Monday, July 31, 2017
The alarm sounds. Stretching out I reach for my phone and turn it off. My eyes are closed and yet I wrestle with the same decision every single morning.  It's a struggle yet I rise quietly. I rummage around for my running clothes.  Silently I slip from the room and lace up my shoes. It's early. Forcing myself to walk downstairs instead of...

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An Adventure: Guatemala Mission Trip

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Hello from Guatemala. This is John Parks here. I wanted to give an update, but I wanted to do something different so I did not duplicate the others. I wanted to give you my thoughts on The value of this effort. Yesterday we went up to Arenales to pour cement into the floor of the church with the people from that area. It...

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An Adventure: Lake Padden and Samish

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, July 19, 2017
It has been a kayaking summer. When my Mom came I really wanted to take her out on the lakes in this area. We started with Lake Padden just like John took me. It was a nice little paddle around the lake and then we went to my favorite, Lake Sammish.  We paddled south along the east side of the lake to the...

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A Visit

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, July 18, 2017
It was so much fun and maybe even a little exhausting when my mom came for a visit. We packed a ton of stuff into the visit.  One important part was taking photos of her with the kids. I looked and looked around for my tripod head but couldn't find it.  I was desperate and finally conceded that I lost it.  I just...

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Farmer's Market

By Leslie Parks - Friday, July 14, 2017
Our small town hosts a small farmer's market every Friday during the summer in a small area just off main street. The vendors set up their tents, tables and wares.  Large flags are placed on the bridge and the market opens for business until 8 pm that night. We were in the back yard one night talking about a gal who came over...

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