The foam folds up upon itself swirling around my feet, drawing back again. Over and over again. Cleansing the beach and myself with it. There is stillness in the movement, the coming and drawing back - over and over again. I close my eyes, as the water swirls again. I draw a deep breath in allowing myself to match the rhythm of the...

It seems like it happens more often these days. The kids off on their various "adult-like" activities and we are left with a free evening. All of them drive now so the dropping off has decreased drastically. We no longer are driving consistently to and from soccer practices provided there is a car for each of them to drive and it isn't mine....

The idea of one of our kids being a pilot came up the other day by a family friend and I started thinking about it for Lona. I wasn't sure about it for the middle but decided to explore it for one of our kids. I talked to another friend who is a pilot and he was game for taking Lona up for...
We have the boat for the reason to enjoy the lake. One way is to invite the kids' friends onto the boat and take them for a spin. There is so much joy watching them have huge smiles on their faces and we pull them across the water. It strips away their insecurities and forces them to live in the moment and I...