My second child to become an "official/legal" adult. This is a major milestone birthday. This year he can vote. This year, he doesn't need me on his bank account. This year, he can purchase items before that were off limits to himself and make decisions that were off limits. Becoming an adult in the eyes of the law and society doesn't always make...
Perfection surrounds me, mocking me, goading me, lying to me. I turn on my computer and perfect images of homes and kids and lives and food assault me. I look around my home and see the dishes in the sink, the clothes piled on the floor ready to be put into the wash, the shoes left next to their bins. This isn't perfect....
This summer I've had to get on my bike more due to a meniscus tear so the hiking I like so much has been put off to another summer. I've taken it easy on the trails, riding on things I feel in control. Each time I climb a small hill, I feel my knee catching, clicking and popping. It's funny because I thought...
There is something so satisfying about watching growth happen and then reaping the rewards of your effort. This is such a simple thing but from the spring we watch and wait and work and water in anticipation. The harvest comes and we've already pruned out half of the fruit before they became too big and now we can pick the remaining fruit. We...