For almost a week, we enjoyed my mother's company and that of her dog as well. We ate too much, and talked a lot. I had planned on going to the Lights of Christmas because in the 18 years we've lived here (gsp it's been that long) we've never seen that. Well it didn't open until she had already left and so we...
Sometimes I need a quiet moment just to be, to sit, reflect and to quiet my soul. I need time to see around me and the beauty that is there, even in the brown dormant leafless trees. The quiet moments allows me to be grateful and notice the blessings that in the loud are hidden by urgency. It's in these moments that my...
"Happiness can be found even in the darkest times if one only remembers to turn on the light" - J.K. Rowling One of my absolute favorite things about the Christmas season is putting up the lights, whether it is on the house, or inside around the house. My husband humors me every year and pulls the three, yes three large tubs out of...
Silently I walk down the path from parking spot to river access. The dog racing ahead and back again with his bird, stopping to sniff, forgetting his toy only to look at me with a questioning look as if to say, "what did you do with my bird?" We go through the same routine every. single. time. "Get your bird," "Find your bird."...
It seems like we bike or run this trail often enough that I would get tired of photographing it but I never do. I think it's because each time I notice something new. I wonder if it is because I am starting to wake up to the surrounding beauty of each season. We started off at Boulevard on our bikes and made our...