
An Outing: Christianson Nursery

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, February 28, 2019
This cute nursery and gift shop draws me in at least once a year. I take the drive to the next county and bumble my through the county roads until I come across the nursery.  This time it was more than just to take photos, it was for a quince tree.  I've been wanting one so long and my husband gave me the...

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It Snowed

By Leslie Parks - Friday, February 15, 2019
It snowed and then continued to do so. We already had time off from school with the chance of snow and now there were more cancelations. It piled higher and the wind blew, closing roads and especially driveways.  Schools and businesses closed.  Life slowed down and allowed us to breathe a bit before the pace picked back up.  We would bundle up, taking...

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A Slow Week: Snowy Hovander

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, February 12, 2019
There was a chance of snow flurries and they canceled school. I saw it as an opportunity to take the dog to Hovander thinking he would swim after our walk and then warm up in the car on the way home and in the house. He had other ideas. He usually heads to the water right away but this time I led him...

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An Opportuntity

By Leslie Parks - Monday, February 11, 2019
My very talented entrepreneurial friend has spent the last 4 or 5 years working on her toffee business.  It has been a joy to watch her grow, learn and manage this.  I remember when she was doing taste tests trying out different types of chocolate for the toffee and then working on her toffee name and logo.  She has poured her heart and...

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A Project: Kitchen Cabinets

By Leslie Parks - Monday, February 04, 2019
Pinterest is both a blessing and a curse. There are so many ideas and projects - ways to get you to be dissatisfied with how things are. Well, it is that way with my kitchen.  I see every ding, carved mark, bubbled Formica, gouges in the floor of my kitchen. I thought long and hard and wished that my husband would allow me to renovate...

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Winter Formal

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, February 02, 2019
Winter Formal otherwise known as "Girl ask Guy" dance.  This girl asked this guy and knew enough about him to put dots on the poster and draw a game controller.  It was cute. "Don't down smash this idea, let's go to winter formal." The two girls showed up to the house in their beautiful dress and I took photos while we waited for...

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