One of my favorite things is patio lights. I like how they just brighten things up especially in the winter. They just seem magical. A few years ago John bought me patio lights and I have strung them up different ways in the back yard. This summer, John decided that we should have a permanent structure to hang them on. My original thought...

This was Princess Buttercup. From the day Lona picked her up, she loved her guinea pig. Her name was Buttercup but we added Princess mostly because of the Princess Bride movie. When she was little, Lona would curl up with her guinea pig and they would both fall asleep, Buttercup on her side nestled against Lona. They would go outside together and Buttercup...

This is my favorite hike of the area. It starts out after a very bumpy pothole ridden 13 mile gut jarring drive to the trail head. Once there its a two mile hike of switchbacks through a typical Pacific Northwest forest. We loaded up our packs, making sure to take lots of water for Isaac and headed up the trail. The clouds had...

Had Job not had these friends, I probably would have not had a party for him. The day would have come and gone and I wouldn't have been able to pull anything off. Thankfully the day was beautiful. We set up tents, bought food and candy and drinks. There were games and photo booth and places to sit. It was relaxing and nice...

18 years we've lived here and never went to the Deming log show. I'm not sure why we didn't take our kids but it wasn't something that was on our radar. For some reason and I'm not sure why, we decided to go. The log show is a fund raiser to help injured men and women who work in the logging industry. Think...