We cut a tree down in our yard and you would have thought we would have less leaves, but we didn't. The leaves glowed golden yellow, fiery orange and deep ruby red. The drive into our subdivision was as beautiful as ever and that meant bags and bags of leaves. We've had kids sometimes help in the past but this year it was...
He just can't do it. He can't leave soccer. He coached our kids and made friends on the pitch. He loved the kids even when they drove him nuts and so this year he decided to get back into it. There is sparks and glimmers of talent. There is energy, maybe not always focused. There are smiles and sometimes yawns. There are a...

My last one to leave the nest. This girl is a senior. WTF? I think I have experienced every kind of emotion with this girl, from the absolute beautiful ( I want to cry I am so proud, and blessed) to the unbelievablely ugly (I am going to kill her or go insane) emotions. We tried to do some photos while at Cannon...

A warm sunny autumn day greeted us as we made our way to the tasting room at Bellewood Acres. We stood and chatted as more people came into the room. I stood back people watching. who were these people who had signed up for this workshop? I was curious. Our hostesses welcomed us while ushering us into the distillery. The stainless steel tanks...

I reach into the full basket and grab a yellow globe. Running under the water, I wash it and place it on the counter. I reach in and grab another and another until I have 6 on my counter. The crust is already in the fridge chilling. I peel each apple and then slicing them thinly until the bowl is full. I toss...

The large park that follows the banks of the river through town is a riot of color in the fall. The leaves blanket the gravel trail and the rocky shore. Drift wood sticks pile up and deciduous trees trail their branches in the water. I walk along the trail following the dog who is following the scents that is flooding his nose. Within...

"Parents you may come in to the swearing in ceremony." The three recruits from various branches stand facing away from us. They don't turn around. Their backs are straight, heads up and a certain amount of confidence radiates off these boys that shuffled into the room only twenty minutes ago. An army officer comes in, calling for attention and they immediately change their...