

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, January 22, 2020
During the last regular season game, Lona was tackled while kicking the ball.  In all the years of playing soccer, this has never been a problem.  Usually, she pretty much bounces right back up but this was different. the referee immediately called for the coach and after being carried off the field, she watched the rest of the game and all the play...

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Our Snowstorm

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, January 09, 2020
January and it's snowing. Not just a little bit but a lot. Well a lot for this area. I started shoveling snow and shoveled every three or four hours so that I could get to work in the morning. By 8 pm I gave up and called in saying that there was no way I could get there by 3:30. They pushed the...

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Peanut Butter cookies

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, January 08, 2020
I don't think I made peanut butter cookies until I was an adult and had almost adult children.  I don't really know why. I remember went I was a kid we usually had marshmallow treats.  I think I ate Rice Krispies almost every morning for breakfast.  I remember when we did make cookies, it was usually chocolate chip cookies.  I loved them but...

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By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, January 01, 2020
As soon as I step out of the car I hear that undeniable screech of the eagles.. My eyes start to scan the trees for the tell tale signs of white dots among the trees and along the river bank.  This year though I was late, much later than normal. A month later. I drove up with the hope that these bird would...

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