
The Homefront: Backyard

By Leslie Parks - Friday, June 26, 2020
I am loving spending time in my backyard this year. We've seeded the area where the pool used to be which helps it look amazing.  The wild rabbits come for dinner most evenings to snack on the new grass and the cherry leaves that have fallen to the ground.  The squirrels have taunted both the dog and my husband with their antics in...

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Wildlife on the Homestead

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, June 20, 2020
This is the first year that we had a robin nest. I was so looking forward to seeing little blue eggs and baby robins peeping for food but after a few days the nest was left abandoned, sadly.  However, we have a resident bunny or two or three.  One day I walked outside to see a mother bunny and her baby.  He was...

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An Ending: Graduation Covid Style

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, June 14, 2020
So it ends.  After 8 years of homeschooling, 3 years at the public school and 2 years at the community college she graduated.  She has enough credits to have her AA degree as well as her high school diploma with honors.  The high school seniors were out of school since March with limited school work.  She continued with her community college classes and...

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