
Park Butte Lookout Take 2

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, August 13, 2020
The parking lot was full as to be expected on a weekend but not a week day. We made our way around and found a spot from a camper that had just left. shouldering our gear we headed out for our second attempt at this this hike. It had been one week and already we could tell the difference in the wild flowers....

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Drayton Harbor

By Leslie Parks - Friday, August 07, 2020
One evening my husband and daughter went paddling while I stayed behind. I needed a little time alone to be refreshed.  they had a marvelous time. when I saw the video that my daughter took while kayaking with a seal that popped up behind her I knew that I had missed out and yet I knew that they had needed that bonding time...

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Park Butte Lookout Hike

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, August 06, 2020
We arrived at the tail head in an absolute down pour and decided to wait it out in the truck before venturing out on the trail. With our packs covered and our rain gear on we put our boots on the muddy trail. We past a marsh and pond quickly making our way into the forest with huckleberry bushes and heather on each...

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