A small non descript town on a road that meanders through farmland and coastal plains. A turn or two and this little town appears. It's home to a couple of vintage shops, a gallery, a restaurant and some cafes along with an elementary school. It's unassuming and beautiful. There are no sidewalks, just the highway jogging through at 25 mph. This town is...

Taking photos is all about light, using the available light, manipulating it, or creating it. Some of the best learning I have done is to choose a type of light and photographing it. Whether that light is front light, side light, or back light. A technique that artists have used and we continue to use is called chiaroscuro. It's the way an artist uses...

When the kids were little we bought a book called Bear and Bunny Grow Tomatoes. It is a lovely little picture book about one animal who takes their time to get their garden ready and tenderly grow their plants and the other who dreams big and lives for fun but doesn't put in the work. Once reaps a harvest. We lovingly refer to...

"Your such a stereotypical white soccer mom" my kids say to me when I say that I've been to the pumpkin patch. Maybe so. I raised three white kids who all played soccer so I guess I fit the bill. And yet there is more to a pumpkin spiced latte, wellington boots, a scarf and vest snapping photos of large round pumpkins in...

Green vines trail along arbors and off cement tables. Light filters through green glass windows. Isles of pavers indicate walkways throughout. Wood trim painted white. Doves in wooden bird aviaries coo to each other. Pops of vivid red and pink geraniums spill from the green foliage. A white Grecian statue, a fern as a center point, antique terrariums, and terra cotta planters are...