
The Day After - Mount Baker

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, December 26, 2009
It seems as though the last few years we have gone to Mount Baker to go sledding sometime during the holidays.  This year we went the day after Christmas.  It was such a late start.  We didn't have breakfast until 10am.  Thank you John for getting up with Skagit at 5:30.  I slept until 9.  That is unheard of at our house.  Anyhow, ...

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Christmas Gifts

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, December 26, 2009
Every year I struggle as to what to do for friends.  This year I've found this site that gave me some inspiration.  In fact I made two batches of the sweet and salty candied nuts.  Note:  don't eat too much, it will give you a tummy ache.  Then again the tummy ache may be due to over eating at lunch.  It was so easy...

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Christmas Card

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, December 24, 2009
I know I am so late but better late than never.  I've had this idea but today, Christmas Eve, is the first day I've been able to follow through with my idea.  It's only partly the way I've envisioned it.  Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas. ...

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By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The kids and I did a super fun craft this year.  I can't remember where I saw the link but it was easy.  I went to Michaels and bought clear glass ornaments.  The kids tipped them upside down and place them on an upside down egg carton. This way the ornament doesn't roll around.  Then you dip a dowel in paint and place...

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Chess games

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Both John and Isaac like to play chess.  They like to play each other.  Every now and then Isaac can beat John and sometimes in just a few moves.  This last weekend they were both playing chess.  John has an online chess site that allows them to play other people and then they email the moves of their game and analyse it with some...

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Welcome Skagit

By Leslie Parks - Monday, December 21, 2009
Last weekend we had some guests in our home and she brought her Golden Retriever.  Cami was so much fun and the kids loved her.  Amanda worked with Lona on having Cami sit, walk and heel.  Lona was in 7th heaven and was really excited.  When Amanda and Cami left, we had no dog again.  We looked through Craig's list and the Bellingham...

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By Leslie Parks - Saturday, December 19, 2009
For the past few years our family has volunteered to wrap presents and fill food boxes for an organization.  This year was no different.  Yesterday we showed up to wrap presents.  Lona took the wrapped presents and put them in a pile.  Each present had a name and a family number.  Then the boys took the presents and matched the family number to...

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Wrapping paper and Tags

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, December 16, 2009
At one time I would run out and buy all sorts of wrapping paper.  Then I discovered bags and would use bags because they could be reused and I started collecting bags whenever I received one.  And finally I saw how a gal wrapped her presents with kraft paper.  It was simple and beautiful. Now all of our presents are wrapped with kraft...

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Great Joy and Sadness all in one

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Great Joy:  My son Isaac was baptized this last Sunday.  He leaned over to me one day during church and said that he wanted to be baptized.  "Go talk to the Pastor after service."  I replied.  He did and then met with the Pastor later on during the week.    We talked to the paster and he said that Isaac needed to be baptized...

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O Christmas Tree

By Leslie Parks - Friday, December 11, 2009
Christmas Trees.  There are so many varieties and ideas behind this.  Some don't do trees at all, some people are fake tree people and some are real tree people.  Whatever, everyone has an opinion and thought.  We are fake tree people.  We had a real tree and I hated watering it.  In fact, I would forget and towards the end I just wouldn't...

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New Look

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, December 08, 2009
I am trying to figure out a new lok for the blog.  I see all these cute backgrounds and would liek to change this but there are some problems.  Right now I can't access the navigation bar and am afraid I won't be able to post.  I am so non technical.  I like the new background but have lost some of my info. ...

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Potato Latkes

By Leslie Parks - Monday, December 07, 2009
I gave up cooking during soccer season. It was too hard trying to juggle meals, soccer practices, dance and piano lessons and Awana. Now that outdoor soccer season is over I should be back at cooking. Not so. This is indoor soccer season so instead of practices we have games. Monday night is Job's game, Tuesday night is dance and piano. Wednesday night...

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Brownie Points

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, December 06, 2009
The kids have been working for brownie points lately. They've come up with this idea that if they do some kind of work without being asked they get a brownie point. Brownie point work is loading or unloading the dishwasher, making their beds, picking up a room, putting coats or shoes away. Now they would like to redeem their brownie points for brownies...

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Fort Langley Historical Site

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, December 03, 2009
In our schooling we are studying the 1800s. It includes such events as the Oregon Trail and the opening of the Oregon Territory. The California Gold Rush and the 49ers. The kids finally understand the meaning to the name the San Francisco 49ers. Love how history has a place even in the present. So I was reading on the the blogs I look...

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