
Brownie Points

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, December 06, 2009

The kids have been working for brownie points lately. They've come up with this idea that if they do some kind of work without being asked they get a brownie point. Brownie point work is loading or unloading the dishwasher, making their beds, picking up a room, putting coats or shoes away. Now they would like to redeem their brownie points for brownies or money. Maybe I'll make some brownies this month. It's so funny that pointing out that they get a brownie point really motivates them. Today when we came home from church I was giving jobs and the kids performed one task and then went onto another task without being asked and I nonchalantly called out "Isaac gets a brownie point for doing such and such and Job gets one for such and such." Then I handed out a few more jobs and I looked at Lona who was quietly crying. "What's wrong with you?"
She answered, " I was picking up the family room without being asked and you never gave me a brownie point and I don't have one yet."
I had to give her a brownie point. John and I just laugh because brownie points aren't really worth anything and I' m not even keeping track but they all want them. I love being a Mom to these three little yahoos.

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