

By Leslie Parks - Monday, August 31, 2009
Last year John said something about it being sad if all my blog posts went away so he had me save each post on the computer. I thought that there had to be a way to put them in book form or print out. This is just like scrap booking isn't it? So I spent some time and found found this site Blurb...

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Job and Henry

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, August 27, 2009
Job, You are a unique child. You can be serious in one moment and playful the next. Isaac and Lona tend to be similar in their personalities and therefore get along the least. You, however, get along with both Isaac and Lona. You play so well with both of them at their levels that it seemed as though you didn't need or want...

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Montana Part 3

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I thought I'd share a few facts about Montana. It is the 4th largest state in the Union. It's nickname is Treasure State but is also known as Big Sky Country. It's motto is Oro y Plata (Gold and Silver). Montana was the 41st State in the Union. Population is about 800,000. Think of that, there are more people living in the Seattle...

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I have joy again

By Leslie Parks - Friday, August 21, 2009
It seems as though I hit periods where I don't find the joy in doing something that normally gives me joy. I was loving taking photos. I would grab the kids and try everything and work real hard on my photos and then I became discouraged. I took some photos that I thought were creative but actually they weren't creative because you couldn't...

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By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I have been inspired lately by two blogs Cathy Zieski and Ali Edwards. Both are very different. CZ is very clean, straight line and simple. CZ did a tutorial on AE's blog and I thought I can do that. It was so easy with Photoshop. I quickly made a template inserted photos, printed them out at Costco and the book was practically done....

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Montana Trip 2

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, August 18, 2009
In the last few years that I was in college, my mom decided to get her motorcycle endorsement and so did the rest of the family. It is amazing how much our mother inspired us to do. She didn't say anything about us getting our endorsements but because she did so did we. She bought this little Honda 90 trail bike. We would...

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Montana Trip

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, August 16, 2009
One of the things we did a lot of while in Montana was to play in the water. When we travel and have to have a hotel, we always make sure to have one with a swimming pool. It has been a life saver. We stayed at a hotel in Great Falls and my brother and his family stayed at the same one....

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Wedding 1

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, August 13, 2009
At my sister's wedding the photographer asked me to help shoot it. I was supper excited. I had no idea what to do but just tried to take photos that I might want if it were my wedding. I had a hard time with light. At times the sun was shinning so bright and then a dark cloud would cover the sun, not...

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Montana Trip Day 1

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, August 11, 2009
John and I took our time to drive to Spokane. We had originally thought that we would take highway 2 and stop a wineries, and visit little towns and generally have a great time. We drove to Sedro Woolley and posted on the highway was a sign announcing the road closed 67 miles a head. Turn around, there was no way we were...

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Short synopsis of Vacation

By Leslie Parks - Monday, August 10, 2009
It's been almost two weeks since I've blogged or at least it feels like it. We took off to Montana and had a wonderful time. John and I met up with a college friend in Spokane, went to my sister's wedding in Great Falls, hung out with my mother and her husband and my brother and in his family in Lewistown, floated Spring...

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