
Montana Trip

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, August 16, 2009

One of the things we did a lot of while in Montana was to play in the water. When we travel and have to have a hotel, we always make sure to have one with a swimming pool. It has been a life saver. We stayed at a hotel in Great Falls and my brother and his family stayed at the same one. So we had a blast at the pool. We played in it after the wedding on Saturday and then again Sunday morning. Then after a quick visit to my Dad, we headed to Lewistown where we played at the public pool that evening. We also bought inner tubes and floated the creek with Isaac, Job and DJ. The others were just too little to do this. As it was Job was almost too little and very nervous which in turn made me nervous. I made sure that I was either hanging onto his tube or he was in front of me and I could get to his tube before he went near any low hanging branches. My brother and I would float Spring Creek every summer. I remember my Mom dropping us off clear up near the fish hatchery and we'd float all the back to town. It was cold but on 90 degree days the water was perfect. So this was a walk down memory lane for me to float again with my brother. Lewistown has since returned the creek to it's natural course and put in a park called Brewery Flats with lots of fishing accesses. We started a upper Brewery Flats and floated to the Honey factory. Isaac had so much fun that he wanted to do it again. Job and I stayed at the take out and build up a small rock wall at the eddy. John (my husband), Jon (my brother), Missy (his wife), DJ (their son) and Isaac did it again and then later that week we brought all the kids down to play in the water and the older kids and John floated to the high school. That was a lot rougher water. Lona tried it but we only made it around one bend - she was terrified and it wasn't a good stretch to take kids. We brought the inner tubes home with us. I think they would be fun to sled with as well.

Another thing we did as kids was camel fights. At the hotel pools the dads would get in with the kids and flip them around and have camel fights. Although DJ could hold Isaac while they fought against Job or Lona. Sometimes DJ would hold Job or Lona but he mostly was the base for Isaac. It's amazing that they are only 3 months apart.

I have to say that my brother's kids were very impressive. They could all swim and the two little ones would jump in and then do this funny little kick back to the steps were they could touch. They even could use the snorkels, not the fins, their feet were too little.

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